Ship Cards
Artistic representations, comparison chart, and stats for some classic Spelljamming Ships. Many of the colorized deck plans were based of the art here.
File: 35 Ship Cards (7.7 MB ZIP), Ship Comparison Chart (621 KB JPG)
Source: TSR boxed set art mostly, but a few homebrews are in there, I believe.

Trading Cards

In the Early 90s, TSR released trading cards for a variety of different official settings, including Spelljammer NPCs, monsters, and magical items. It's a useful trove for DM reference and player handouts. Hat tip to MedievalKnievel for supplying the scans.
File: 1991 Factory Set (53MB PDF)
File: 1992 Factory Set (66MB PDF)
File: 1993 Factory Set (25MB PDF)
Source: MedievalKnievel